Sunday, September 04, 2005

Where are my buddies??

Ah, the weekend....
I was hoping to see my two best friends online this weekend for some fun in Halo 2.
But, alas, they have deserted me. Thus, leaving me to play with strangers and weirdos.
Why have my friends forsaken me?? You'd have to ask them, as I haven't seen them online once since friday night (hell, I haven't seen InboardEcho419 online in about a week!)

Now, for clan news....
I have verified all but 2 or 3 people as meeting the one requirement to be in the clan, those other people have been notified yet again that they must register at and post at least once to be included in the clan and I will be checking again before making my final descision to boot them for non-compliance.

Also, we now have our own group at the link is anchored to the headline of this post, please go join the group as this will be our "official" clan presence for our online experience

An, as I stated before, my friends haven't been online lately so there havent been any clan matches, so thats all for the news

giggity giggity giggity, alright!
Tauri Out!

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