Monday, October 02, 2006

I LIVE!! kinda.

Hey everyone,
its like 6:56 in the morning and i gotta go get ready for school haha but i thought i'd let you know that I DO HAVE VIDEOS COMMING. They're actually uploaded and ready to go, when i get home from school i will add the code to the site and there we go! more vids(finally). I also have alot of cool vids commin up including a run-down of the Xbox Live Vision camera which, i'm sure you've all seen before! but anyways, as well some Godfather(360) footage, lego star wars 2 and maybe even some DOOM! as well to come is Quake 4 because i just rented it haha.... ya so lifes a bit busy i can't wait for a break so i can devote myself to the site and stuff but i gotta go man.
xl KoRn lx

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